Here you will find the graphics and text to use for your new associate web page.
Step 1.

You will need to place this "Affiliate ID" logo somewhere on your web site. This is the only image the must be displayed at your web site. The others are optional.


For text we have two versions for you to choose from, a short version 100 words and a long version, 250 words. Simply click on of the following links and our auto-responders will email the text to you automatically!

Short Text Version

Long Text Version

Step 2.

Decide what images you would like to use for your web pages. When you have decided simply download them from here.

You don't have to choose an image at all. If you just want to post a link that's fine. Either way once you decide, we will e-mail you the special link code to place on your page.

UFO Anthology Banner
Large Logo Shield
Small Logo Shield
CD Jewel Case Cover
Open Jewel Case Shot